Today is my birthday and I couldn't be happier. Even I'm having tests all long the week, my week started in a good way. Yesterday was like a celebration of my 'age change', and I really had fun. As I told at the last post, I spent some days at the beach. I was able to take a lot of pictures, as I'll have four FREE days, but I didn't! I'm using all my free time to study lately... I just wanna share with you some picures I took when I was traveling...

Cousins, shoulder and friends!

This dress I'm wearing I made with my mom. I love it :)


happy birthday sweetie!
happy birthday ;**
that green dress is amazing!
thank you girls! :*
Tá bom, vou escrever em português mesmo.
Assim tenho mais vocabulário :p
Sabes o quanto te amo né?
Mesmo tu colocando essas fotos horríveis aí?!
Que todos os aniversários, possamos comemorar juntas, com bebedeira ou sem, com pizza ou sem.
Mas que seja cheio de alegria e de riso.
Que jamais se perca o entusiasmo e a felicidade de estar juntas e de sermos quem somos.
Independente do que nos falem ou pensem, que sejamos quem somos.
Contigo, sou mais eu. E ao olhar-te, vejo o reflexo no espelho.
Te amo! ;*
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